
Morning Musings ~ Loving the long haul

What does it mean to step out on your own into this world and face the music? Let Lakshmi Pratury tell you her thoughts in a brief snippet.

Loving the Long Haul

Locking eyes and falling in love is 20% of the story. Staying together, working out the differences, not letting the music in your mind die with the mundane, juggling being a good parent, spouse, boss, employee, friend, is the rest 80% of the story.  While there are millions of movies about the first 20%, there are only “art” movies to deal with the rest of reality.

The excitement of leaving a job, the buzz of starting something of your own, dreams of escalating valuations, heady adulation of the press could all blur into the background when you have to keep pitching your idea time after time with equal vigour, face the loneliness of rejection, waiting patiently for that positive nod, fighting the panic in the pit of your stomach not knowing if they show up when you build, finding ways to keep the passion alive and remember why you started this to begin with – this is the reality of being your own boss that no one tells you.

So, when I speak to a starry eyed student, who wants to start up something new and be a unicorn, I want warn them to prepare for the long haul, learn to let go when needed, hang on when important and enjoy the journey. Unicorn is a fine fictional friend to pursue, but the reality is donkey’s work! Be ready to shoulder it.

 Lakshmi Pratury

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