
Our brains on meditation

Neuroscientist Rohan Dixit’s work is based on his first-hand research with monks in the Himalayas, where he recorded their brainwaves and heartbeat patterns during meditation. On learning that using the feedback from our own heartbeat can bring more calm and emotional self-awareness, Dixit got an idea for an ingenious consumer wearable device that he is now working on.

Recorded at INK Asia 2015, Singapore

About the Speaker

Rohan Dixit

Trained in classical neuroimaging at the Harvard-MIT-MGH Martinos Center and Stanford Medical center, Rohan started a company called BrainBot which helps people be more mindful through biology. His work is based on his first-hand research with sadhus and monks in the Himalayas, where he recorded their brainwaves and heartbeat patterns during meditation. This culminated in a forthcoming consumer wearable device for increased calm and emotional self-awareness

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