
Humanizing technology

How would you like to copy and paste a photo literally using a fingertip? Listen to Suranga talk about his quest to design technology that learns and adapts to us instead of the other way around.

Recorded at INK2016, Goa

About the Speaker

Suranga Nanayakkara
Assistant Professor, SUTD

Suranga is an Assistant Professor from the Engineering Product Development Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). In 2011, he founded the Augmented Human Lab (www.ahlab.org) to explore ways of creating ‘enabling’ human-computer interfaces as natural extensions of our body, mind and behaviour. Suranga seeks a sense of ‘humanity’ in technology. This ranges from practical behavioral issues, understanding real-life contexts in which technologies function, and understanding where technologies can be not just exciting or novel, but have a meaningful impact on the way people live. For the totality and breadth of his achievements, in 2014, Suranga was recognized as a Young Inventor under 35 (TR35 award) in the Asia Pacific region by MIT TechReview

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