
Albert Lin: The chance of rebirth should be distributed evenly

While there are 40 million amputees around the world, only 5% have access to prosthetics. A piece of hardware that can change your life must not remain the privilege of the rich, argues Research Scientist Albert Lin! Narrating his journey as an amputee, he makes an open call for collaboration, outlining a very simple way in which each of us can give a new leash of life to those in need.

About the Speaker

Albert Lin
Natgeo Explorer and Scientist

Albert Yu-Min Lin is an award winning scientist, technologist, explorer and adventurer with a knack for storytelling both on stage and on the big screen. From his award winning effort to search for the tomb of Genghis Khan in Mongolia to his recent efforts redefining human bionic capabilities with float tanks and plant medicines, Dr. Lin has made headlines around the world.

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