
Orin Hardy: The Ingenuity of Bamboo for Sustainability

Orin Hardy is the co-founder of The Kul Kul Farm and Bamboo U, two hands on education enterprises in Bali. He dedicates his time to creating spaces and opening up new possibilities for people to learn how to incorporate sustainability into their lives. Combining his international expertise with local knowledge, Hardy facilitates and teaches courses related to hands-on living, permaculture design, gardening and bamboo construction. Along with his team, Hardy has welcomed hundreds of people from all over the world to participate in these programs. Raised in a Balinese village surrounded by rivers and jungle, he then moved to North America where he witnessed this disconnect between humans and nature in the modern world. He now spends his time devoted to reconnect people with nature.

Recorded at INK2019, Jaisalmer

About the Speaker

Orin Hardy
Sustainability Champion

Orin Hardy is the co-founder of The Kul Kul Farm and Bamboo U, two hands-on education enterprises in Bali. He dedicates his time to creating space and opening up new possibilities for people to learn how to incorporate sustainability into their lives. He loves facilitating and teaching courses related to hands-on living, permaculture design, gardening and bamboo construction. He and his team have welcomed hundreds of people from all over the world to participate in these programs. Raised in a Balinese village, surrounded by rivers and jungle, he then moved to North America

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