Prakriti Dutta

Prakriti Dutta is an internationally acclaimed dhrupad singer .She is a performer, actor and composer. After securing first position in M.A from Rabindra Bharati university, India, she had received a MSc degree in Music in the community from University of Edinburg and honed her skill as an music therapist and community musician .She was under the tutelage of Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar in his dhrupad gurukul in Mumbai. Recently she has founded a performing art company ‘Sound Space’ for sound, movement and arts in her hometown Kolkata. It is an organically designed amphitheatre which promotes creative minds and art in South of Kolkata. Presently her work is divided between two cities Kolkata and London. She is actively associates with a London based music theatre company ‘Opera Circus’ in their production Naciketa based on Upanishad.
“All that matters is empathy.