Madan Padaki

Madan Padaki is co-founder and CEO, RubanBridge, a last-mile services platform for Rural India; Co-founder & Director of Sylvant Advisors, an education advisory & investments entity and Co-founder & Trustee of Head Held High Foundation, a social organisation for eradicating rural poverty where he leads the Global Action on Poverty (GAP) Initiative. He is also co-founder & former CEO of MeritTrac Services, one of India’s largest Skills assessment company; acquired by Manipal Global Education. In 2011, Madan was conferred The Young Education Leader Award by the EDGE Forum – a forum of leading educationists and educational institutions in India.
Madan also serves as a Senior Advisor to Tata Trusts, is on the Governing Council of TiE Bangalore and is a Founding Partner of Social Venture Partners, Bangalore.