Dr. Balamurali Ambati

Dr. Balamurali Ambati M.D. PH.D. became the world’s youngest doctor, receiving his medical degree at the age of 17. He was rated #1 in a Top 40 under 40 global survey of ophthalmologists by The Ophthalmologist magazine in May 2015. Dr. Ambati has been chosen as one of the Moran Jazz Doctors, the NBA Utah Jazz team ophthalmologists.
Dr. Ambati is an eye surgeon specializing in lifestyle lens implants, LASIK, cataract surgery and corneal transplants. As leader in ophthalmology, Dr. Ambati is the Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and the team ophthalmologist for the Utah Utes. He also directs a laboratory for developing new cures for eye diseases and volunteers his time with ORBIS, Project Hope, Sight for the Sightless, the Navajo Nation, and other humanitarian outreach efforts.