Dr. Anthony Vipin Das

Anthony is an ophthalmologist by passion, an innovator by choice and a maker by evolution. His specific interests include Ocular Trauma, Community Ophthalmology and is pursuing research in the field of Whole Eyeball Transplantation. He is an Associate Director & Consultant Ophthalmologist at LVPEI and Chief Architect of eyeSmart EMR, a revolutionary Electronic Medical Record and Hospital Management System developed in-house at LVPEI and has checked in over 4 Million consultations. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Glasgow.
He is also the Founder of REPORT (Rural Education and Prevention of Ocular Trauma) addressing rural children in the prevention of Ocular Trauma. He is a Member of the International Task Force for Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning at the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO). He co-directs the Srujana Center for Innovation at LVPEI in collaboration with the Camera Culture Group, MIT Media Lab, USA. He is a TED Senior Fellow and is named among the Top 35 Innovators under 35 years in the world ( TR35 2012) by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. His current work focuses on Machine Learning models in healthcare and Augmented reality applications for education.