Dali and Finn

Dali Schonfelder is 15 years old and attends the Green School in Bali, Indonesia. She loves design and fashion and started her own fashion label when she was just 13. Her label is called Nalu. Nalu is not your ordinary label – it provides school uniforms to children who require them to remain in school, with the profits generated from sales. Dali also enjoys travelling to remote parts of the world and immersing herself in new cultures.
Finn Schonfelder is 12 years old and also attends the Green School in Bali, Indonesia. He co-founded Nalu in 2014 with his older sister Dali. Nalu is a fashion label with a twist because they are in the business of giving. Finn’s mission with Nalu is to provide school uniforms to children so they can stay in school.